DSP School of TOS

DSP, official KALERIS partner, is an official licensed certified trainer of the NAVIS TOS training program.

As a KALERIS official partner since 2007, DSP offers workshops and training courses (in person or virtually) on NAVIS TOS product. A certified team of about 20 consultants with many years of operational experience in container terminals will give their audience an holistic solution to optimization with a practical approach. Courses can be conducted in a variety of languages depending on the client's need and can be conducted either in-person (Instructor Led Training) or remote (Virtual Instructor Led Training). DSP will issue a certificate of participation in the course.

Training Courses

Navis - Training Courses

We offer a wide variety of training offerings, to view the entire catalog see below on this page.

Stack Academy

Navis - Stack Academy

Kaleris Training, through its portal, Stack Academy, offers a full suite of online, self-paced training modules. Globally accessible 24/7, anywhere with an internet connection, the training modules fit time constraints. Short training modules provide learners with real-time and updated information with a sense of steady progress to motivate them to keep going. Stack Academy content uses proven techniques to engage learners and measure learning growth, including social interactions, visual learning, socratic questioning, gamification, pre- and post-tests, and online quizzes. Stack Academy also offers a wide variety of job aids, best practices, and knowledge base resources for subscribers to reference in their day-to-day job activities.

Kaleris’ e-Learning Platform is designed for all users, focused on continuous learning and development, and fully customizable to create curriculum paths based on user’s roles and responsibilities. Through micro-learnings, interactive modules, webinars, self-paced learnings, events, hosting capabilities, videos, and exercises Stack Academy provides a central learning ecosystem.

DSP School of TOS - Tailor made courses upon request

Are you ready to embark on a learning journey designed specifically for you? Welcome to our tailor-made courses, where learning meets your unique needs and goals.
Our TOS experts will work closely with you to understand your objectives and tailor the course content accordingly.
Contact us now (schooloftos@dsp.team) to learn more and embark on your personalized learning journey!

Courses available

Fundamentals of N4 and XPS Operations

Foundation Course

5 days


DSP certificate of attendance

This 5-day course presents the basic N4 and XPS operational features and functionality of the N4 Terminal Operating system which is the heart of the terminal data and control systems. This fundamental course is intended for any terminal personnel from operations to IT to management in order to obtain a base knowledge and all standard functions of the N4 TOS through lecture, hands-on exercises, class participation and routine quizzes including the XPS interface. This required prerequisite course enables students to progress onto the more detailed operational or role-based curriculum based upon their individual job function and curriculum path. In this course, students will work with a DSP expert instructor to cover all standard functions of N4 TOS. The course is designed to show what N4 and XPS is capable of doing to operate and enhance a container terminal operation. Emphasis is on the product capabilities of N4 in a simple container terminal. The course does not include instructions on features and functionalities either not yet released by KALERIS, or customized specifically to a particular terminal.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Simulation in container terminals  


2-3 days


DSP certificate of attendance

1- Discrete event Simulation

  • Theory
  • Benefits and pitfalls

2 - Application areas and examples

  • Design
  • Operational improvement
  • Emulation
  • Digital Twins

3 - Hands on case (run in the cloud)

  • Yard strategy & resources (users can play with allocation strategies by running simulations in the cloud)
Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Advanced Admin for the TOS

Marine & Yard Operations

5 days

English, Italian, French, Spanish, Greek, Tamil, Hindi

DSP certificate of attendance

This 5 day course is intended for the serious terminal operating system user or IT manager. In this course, students will work with an industry expert instructor to cover the advanced administrative functions of the N4 TOS, including Gate Configuration, EDI Mapping, Yard Editor, Variform manipulation and XPS Administration and Configuration.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

FlexSim Simulation for container terminals


4 days


DSP certificate of attendance

1- FlexSim basics:

  • 3D objects
  • Process flow logic builder
  • Data lists
  • Statistics
  • Standard hands-on cases

2 - FlexSim Container Terminal objects:

  • Mini TOS
  • Yard: blocks and lay-outs
  • Vessels/berths, gate and rail
  • Resources ((A)RTG - STS - Shuttles - Straddle Carriers - ASC’s …)

3 - Hands-on case(s)

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Centric Basics

Marine & Yard Operations

5 days

DSP certificate of attendance

The N4 Terminal Operating system is the heart of the container terminal data and control systems. This 5 day course presents the fundamentals of the N4 Terminal Operating system. The class is presented through lecture, demonstrations, class participation, and hands-on practice sessions. The content is focused on the teams that will be involved in testing and production use of N4. Students will likely hold positions such as Data Control, Gate, Yard and Vessel operations leaders as well IT administrators of the TOS. The students will likely be involved, at some stage, in some end-user training as well. Students are encouraged to attend each day rather than attending favoured topics as the sessions build on knowledge through the week. Attendance of one or two sessions is discouraged as it can be disruptive to other students who have to wait for new students to catch up. The course is focused on what N4 is capable of doing to operate and enhance a container terminal operation. It is designed for students who are familiar with the legacy SPARCS 2 or 3.X versions but have not used N4. The knowledge gained by the students will allow them to have enough information to actively engage with both internal business analysts and DSP representatives as to the TOS capabilities and have meaningful and focused discussions when their input is required. This class does not include topics on functional customizations or modules not available at this time.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 EDI Basics

Marine & Yard Operations

1 day

DSP certificate of attendance

In this 1-day Instructor-Led course, a DSP Trainer will take you through the basics of EDI messaging for operational users at a terminal. You will learn the common message standards and types, when they are used, how to interpret them, and how N4 processes them in and out of the database. Through hands-on practice, you will experience how to set up and manage the EDI process in N4.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Gate Setup & Administration

Marine & Yard Operations

1 day

DSP certificate of attendance

This 1-day instructor-led course takes you through the processes involved in configuring the N4 gate features at your terminal. Discussion and hands-on exercises follow real-life situations that occur in terminals around the world.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Operations Course

Marine & Yard Operations

5 days

DSP certificate of attendance

The N4 Terminal Operating system is the heart of the terminal data and control systems. This 5-day course presents the fundamentals of the side of the N4 terminal Operating system. Topics covered include N4 Basics, Gate Usage and Configuration, Service Events and Holds/Permissions, EDI usage and Mapping, and Report Writing. In this legacy course, students will work with a DSP expert instructor to cover all standard functions of N4 TOS.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Vessel Operations

Marine & Yard Operations

1 day

DSP certificate of attendance

Designed to help your Vessel Planners maximize Kaleris N4 and XPS productivity, the Vessel Planner Operational Course uses your operational workflow to conduct a “day in the life” of a Vessel Planner. Our instructors guide you through hands-on exercises that cover all aspects of effective vessel planning, including PWP, berthing, EDI (BAPLIE), discharge, load, projections, work shift creation, Quay Commander, and AutoStow. Upon completion, students will have successfully planned a significant number of loads and discharges.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Yard Planning

Marine & Yard Operations

5 days

DSP certificate of attendance

A critical component to running a highly efficient operation is the implementation of a specific and strategic Yard Plan. Yard integrity is vital to ensure smooth throughput of cargo. Poor yard decking decisions can be costly and time consuming. The course takes Yard Planners through all aspects of yard planning from manually assigning allocations, and configuring decking decisions for Expert Decking. DSP Trainers guide students through with hands on exercises and discussion.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

XPS Operations Course

Marine & Yard Operations

5 days

DSP certificate of attendance

This 5-day legacy course is intended for the serious terminal operating system user or terminal IT manager. In this course, students will work with a DSP expert instructor to cover all standard functions of XPS as part of the N4 TOS. Through lecture, hands-on exercises, and routine quizzes, students will emerge from the course able to plan yard and vessel operations, based on their own terminal strategies.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Gate Operations

Marine & Yard Operations

1 day

DSP certificate of attendance

In this 1-day Instructor-Led course, a DSP Trainer will take you through the basic processes in operating a gate at your terminal. Discussion and hands-on exercises follow real-life situations that occur in terminals around the world.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

General Cargo Essentials

Marine & Yard Operations

3 days

DSP certificate of attendance

The General Cargo Option in N4 provides a simple, fast, and efficient way to manage non containerized cargo, such as break-bulk and bulk cargo. This three-day course gives you hands-on practice setting up and configuring N4 for cargo operations and using either N4 or N4 Mobile for performing cargo operations. In addition, our instructors will guide you through exercises in tracking cargo lots by weight or volume (Bulk operations), by piece (Quantified operations), and by unique identifiers (Identified cargo operations). You will gain practical experience through all aspects of break-bulk, including manifesting cargo to a container, recording damages, stuffing, stripping, loading, and unloading to vessel, rail, and truck, and rolling cargo from one mode to another.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Next Level Operations with N4 Prime Route for Terminal Tractors

Marine & Yard Operations

3 days

DSP certificate of attendance

When your yard capacity strains to keep up with the productivity level required at the quay, you can deploy N4 PrimeRoute to pool Terminal Tractors across a wide array of work assignments. This training goes deep into PrimeRoute concepts and functions. It is for experienced XPS users who want to work with PrimeRoute experts to set up a PrimeRoute configuration in their own terminal. It starts with basic concepts, such as job steps, pooling, pre-decking, and push rates, and builds through hands-on exercises that are preset with several prioritization scenarios, strategies for congestion control, and for clearing dispatches in the yard or at the crane. During the exercises, which simulate a range of priorities for operations with RTG and Terminal Tractor equipment, students return repeatedly to the EC Console, logs, and other XPS tools. Students will build advanced monitoring and troubleshooting skills for live operations to see the results and troubleshoot if needed. Settings and parameters control the behavior of PrimeRoute, so several discussions and exercises are devoted to observing the relationships between them. The aim is to teach you how PrimeRoute for Terminal Tractors makes decisions, and give you the opportunity to see and guide the decisions in a controlled setting.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Next Level Operations with N4 Autostow

Marine & Yard Operations

1 day

DSP certificate of attendance

N4 Vessel Autostow gives ports and terminals an advantage over competitors with consistency and speed in planning, saving time during critical operational periods. It leverages rules set by the ship planner and in compliance with the vessel planning stowage strategy. This course is for experienced Vessel Planners and Yard Planners—your local operations experts. We set up Autostow, apply parameter sets to create a strategy that reflects your requirements, and walk through typical scenarios in dozens of exercises. We analyze the resulting stow, learning what to look for on the vessel and in the yard, and then ask key questions to refine the strategy. Did it follow the projection information? Did it create needless yard rehandles? Did it create cross-over traffic? Expect lively discussions between the vessel and yard planners, as it is common for Autostow to highlight an inherent problem in the yard stacking strategy. Students experiment and learn in a safe training environment with a dataset created specifically for this course.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Next Level Operations with N4 Expert Decking

Marine & Yard Operations

3 days

DSP certificate of attendance

Expert Decking saves time and increases accuracy by providing just-in-time yard position assignments that optimize the use of your yard space and CHE. The high-configurability makes Expert Decking adaptable and effective across a variety of operations. This training goes deep into Expert Decking concepts and functions so that you can have that intelligent conversation with Expert Decking experts you choose to work with in your terminal set-up. Students who attend this course should be well versed in the use of manual allocations. They should be ready to talk about the strategy they currently have for landing containers in their yard and explain how and why they split certain containers away from others. Having decided upon a yard planning strategy, the instructor will use this as a reference for the exercises. You can expect many ‘lightbulb moments’ from the demonstrations, exercises, and discussions. Working with other students, you will create an ED strategy that is a solution to complex and realistic operational scenarios, using a rich custom dataset. During the course, you will learn where to look for answers and options. You will also boost your skills using complementary features such as Yard Move Filters, Empty Quota Filters, Empty Selection Filters, DAGs, and DARs.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Rail Operations

Rail Operations Courses

3 days

DSP certificate of attendance

An average rail operation accounts for 30 percent or more of a terminal’s throughout. Rail Planners who understand the tools available to maximize the rail operation are vital to a container terminal’s success. On-time train performance is the result of a well-executed plan that optimizes rail and yard velocity. This three- day Rail Planner course, taught by DSP’s expert trainers, provides students with the technical N4 and XPS training essential for generating strategic rail operating plans. The course takes students through all aspects of the rail module within N4 and XPS. Discussion and hands-on exercises follow real-life scenarios that occur in rail terminals around the world.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Dispatcher

Rail Operations Courses

2 days

DSP certificate of attendance

This 2-days instructor–led course takes you through the role of the container terminal Dispatcher. Discussion and hands-on exercises follow real-life situations that occur in terminals around the world. Contents include: 1. Work Instructions 2. Work Queues 3. Points of Work 4. Pools of Equipment 5. Define Users, Equipment, Pools, POWs 6. Identify EC Attributes, Settings, Privileges, and Parameters 7. VMT screen 8. Job Lists 9. Job Promotion 10. Dispatch, cancel, and reset Wis 11. Mitigate errors in WIsPrivileges, and Parameters

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Product Code Extensions Workshop

IT/Systems course

4 days

DSP certificate of attendance

These two workshops are intended for qualified Java developers who have an interest in developing code extensions for the Kaleris N4 TOS. Through lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises, students will learn how to setup ItelliJ, Java SDK, Groovy, and Kaleris library environments. In addition, students will learn best practices in Groovy coding, with many practical examples of writing, deploying, and testing the code in N4. The course details how to deploy other product extension externalization methods such as General Notices, Web Services, SOAP testing, script runners. Typically 4 days in length, but may be extended to 6 days for those customers wishing to add N4 Billing Code Extensions.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 IT Administrator

IT/Systems course

5 days

DSP certificate of attendance

0MPH! P1s are an IT Administrator’s worst nightmare. How can you prevent some of the most common situations that lead to system slow-downs and crashes, and reduce downtime if it does happen? In this five-day course, you will learn strategies to monitor and troubleshoot N4, including best practices from DSP experts around installation and upgrades, startup and shutdown procedures, database management, archive and purge, networking protocols, EDI, cybersecurity, and getting intimate with your log files. Discussion and hands on exercises follow real-life situations that occur in terminals around the world.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Billing

Business Ops courses

3 days

DSP certificate of attendance

N4 Billing works hand-in-hand with N4 to ensure you can properly invoice your customers for the services you perform at your terminal. What are the capabilities of N4 Billing, and how can your terminal get the most out of this tool? This 3-day course provides comprehensive end-user training on billing concepts and tasks, enabling you to generate invoices from your N4 operational data.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

N4 Reports

Business Ops courses

1 day

DSP certificate of attendance

This 1 day instructor-led course will help you extract data from N4 and share it with others at your terminal.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

Intermodal Operations with N4 & XPS

Rail Operations Courses

5 days

DSP certificate of attendance

Managing an intermodal rail operation requires planning skill and an overall command of yard space, complex workflows, and business processes which are increasingly critical to maintaining a healthy supply chain. This 5-day course provides students with the technical N4 and XPS training essential for planning trains, train services, shunting plans, locomotive management, cargo exchange with vessels and trucks, including semi-trailer and hopper operations, and relevant gate operations. Students work through exercises that reflect real-life scenarios, make informed decisions about how to handle the operation, and practice using the strategic tools provided by the N4 platform.

Request info: schooloftos@dsp.team

If you are interested in tailor made training course write an email at: schooloftos@dsp.team